Sr. Louise Delisi

Sr Louise Delisi, CCVI, IWC Business Manager

Sr Louise Delisi

Sr Louise was born in Memphis, TN.  She was an Incarnate Word business alumna who entered the Congregation and received the name Benedicta. At age 19, and before she took final vows, she found herself teaching kindergarten and her former students still remember those days.

Eventually president Sister Columkille Colbert, CCVI called her in to say that she was the new Business Manager. She was well prepared for the job but not necessarily for what she found. She remembers thinking “How can the budget for the entire College be on one sheet of paper?”In those days records were kept in a note book or Sister Columkille’s head and life, even financial life, was much simpler then.

Sister Louise had her work cut out for her organizing a business office that would be blessed by the Holy Spirit and standard accounting procedures that would pass accreditation muster. The College was doing well by the grace of God and now she needed to document it by dealing with the past and present at the same time. The college was growing and time was on her side, and she could remain cheerful.

This is our heritage. Making a difference.

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