

UIW Welcomes Dr. Amanda L. Roberts as the New Alumni Board President

06/12/2024 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Amanda L. 罗伯茨很荣幸从2024年开始担任威斯康星大学校友会董事会主席. 她目前是圣乔治大学工程与数学系的学术项目主任. Philip’s College in San Antonio, TX. She was previously a Research Scientist PhD for the DoD Defense Health Agency who supports Military Medicine for the Armed Forces at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.



UIW Hosts Annual Alumni Spurs Night Event

01/19/2024 Sourced from UIW News

On Saturday, January 13 the UIW Office of Alumni Relations welcomed UIW alumni and friends to watch the San Antonio Spurs take on the Chicago Bulls at the Frost Bank Center.



12/14/2023 Sourced from UIW News

U.S. 在毕业典礼上,现役军人和退伍军人穿着海军蓝的披肩走在舞台上. Donning the 50 stars, the UIW seal and the phrase, “Valor and Respect,” the graduates who wear it represent the best of our nation. One such graduate of the Fall Class of 2023 is Nneoma Lewis, who graduated last weekend with a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).

Reflections of a Study

12/08/2023 Sourced from UIW News

When I first learned that I was nominated to participate in the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability’s UIW Centro Fox Leadership and Mission Program, I was overwhelmed with excitement to travel to San Cristóbal, Guanajuato, Mexico, to attend the program. This was my first international trip from the U.S. 作为一名博士研究生和两届道成肉身的大学校友到墨西哥留学. The Centro Fox Program is a nonprofit organization founded by Former President Vicente Fox that offers leadership training to develop compassionate global community leaders in collaboration with the Vamos México Foundation, established by First Lady Marta Sahagún Fox, 通过社会行动帮助生活在弱势环境中的人们,从而支持地方和国家的事业. A group of 15 undergraduate and graduate students with diverse backgrounds were nominated to participate in the leadership program. As a doctoral student in the Dreeben School of Education, 我很兴奋地去探索我以前在学习中所学到的东西,专注于我的成人教育, social innovation and entrepreneurship.

To Honor Her Father, Alumna Leaves a Legacy

12/08/2023 Sourced from UIW News

克里斯蒂·科迪(Christie Cody)深情地回忆起在Incarnate Word学院的大厅里玩耍的情景. Her father, Dr. Keith Tucker worked on the Broadway campus for over 42 years. During that time, she, her siblings and other children of employees would explore the then much smaller campus and visit with all the members of the community. Through her time exploring the buildings, visiting the lunchroom and interacting with students, faculty and employees, one sentiment struck her: “UIW felt like home.”

Building a Support System for Moms to Succeed

12/08/2023 Sourced from UIW News

In 2002, 毕业后,他获得了威斯康星大学信息系统文学学士学位, 校友凡妮莎·朱佩开始了她在网站开发方面的职业生涯. However, 2000年互联网泡沫破灭后,对于进入这个行业的年轻毕业生来说,这是一个充满挑战的时期.


12/08/2023 Sourced from UIW News

The University of the Incarnate Word is committed to cultivating the development of the whole person and fostering values of lifelong learning. 这一承诺与道成肉身的仁爱修女会的使命和事工深深交织在一起. In keeping with this mission, UIW alumnae Erika Haskins, Jennifer Stuart and Linda Gjergji are mentoring and facilitating a high school global leadership program that focuses on women and young women's global issues known as UIWs Young Women's Global Leadership Program (YWGLP). They are joined in their efforts with this program by Dr. Joan Labay-Marquez, YWGLP项目发起人和YWGLP顾问Martha Ann Kirk修女,ThD和Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez.

What’s Meant to Be

12/06/2023 Sourced from UIW News

A graduate of the Class of 2016, and the first UIW football alumnus to make an NFL game day roster, 维克很感激他所拥有的机会和专业经验. 但他一直都知道,他的人生目标和身份将比足球更重要.


A Full Circle

11/15/2023 Sourced from UIW News

It was at one of his bleakest moments when Ralph Evans found God. A U.S. 第二次世界大战期间,他是一名士兵,从战场上回来后,他把一生都奉献给了信仰和家庭.

Alumna Carries UIW’s Impact to South Pole

11/07/2023 Sourced from UIW News

With campuses in Texas, Mexico and France, a Global Online program that welcomes students from around the world, 以及校友们的努力将威斯康星大学的使命带到了各个国家和大洲, the University of the Incarnate Word’s reach knows no bounds. Thanks to alumna Angela Mahoney, 该大学现在可以将南极点添加到其校友留下印记的地方名单中. 马奥尼刚刚开始在南极洲的阿蒙森-斯科特南极站(Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station)担任新角色.S. 美国国家科学基金会(NSF)资助和管理的南极计划(USAP)科考站.



09/19/2023 Sourced from UIW News

In a genuine act of generosity, 道成肉身的世界大学(UIW)的一位校友贴心地捐赠了250美元,000 to the H-E-B School of Business & Administration’s Endowed Faculty Development Fund. 这个有影响力的礼物是专门用来促进专业的教师和工作人员的成长, ultimately enriching the educational experience for students.

From One Nest to Another: Proud Alumnus Helps Sister Move to Campus

09/19/2023 Sourced from UIW News

When students leave home to go to university for the first time, it’s an emotional milestone for all families. 这一天,学生们飞出巢去追寻他们的激情,追随他们的梦想. Alumnus, Martin Padron, Jr. ‘2011, 上个月,当他帮助家人搬家时,他经历了所有这些情绪, Marsil, 她作为大一新生的第一个学期住进了威斯康星大学的Sky View宿舍. Martin said, ‘As we were walking the campus helping Mearsil move in, all the memories from my time at UIW flooded my mind. 它给我带来了这种幸福和喜悦的感觉,因为我知道这不仅仅是我与威斯康星大学的联系, it was my little sister now too.’ During the move-in process, the family was assisted by UIW’s staff and volunteers to find Marsil’s room and treated to an exclusive tour of the halls by the on-site Resident Assistant. 当打开房间里的箱子时,新来的学生得到了意想不到的款待. 从马西尔床边的桌子上,她可以直接看到圣安东尼奥市中心的天际线. Speaking about his sister’s new view, Martin smiled and said, ‘Who doesn’t want to sit down, do their homework, 然后休息一下,看看窗外美丽的圣安东尼奥天际线和半球塔? That’s awesome!’ While the family visited colleges in New York, Utah and other states, 当玛西尔选择在哪里获得学位时,威斯康星大学的校园(也被称为“巢”)对她有很大的吸引力. With a 15-year gap between Martin and his younger sister, Marsil’s childhood was filled with trips to UIW with her big brother. 无论是在Martin的学生时代,还是在他毕业后在uw校友会董事会的角色中. Martin operated on the board for 6 years 2015-2021, 担任本届任期的最后两年校友会主席. Martin said, ‘Marsil grew up going to UIW, 我想她觉得uw的校园在真正的自然美景中提供了一种安全感和社区感. 我也认为她在校园成长过程中建立的记忆和联系是她选择UIW的重要原因.’ He added, “作为校友会主席,我被邀请参加许多校园活动,玛西尔总是跟着我. She got to see all these events with the university’s leadership, the board of trustees, and supporters of UIW. She felt that connection with UIW from early on in her life. UIW’s academic programs also proved to be a draw for Marsil, offering her the opportunity to enroll in a nuclear medicine program. Martin said, 寻找一所提供核医学课程的学校是我姐姐最初决定的重点. When she narrowed it down to three choices, and UIW offered the program, it made it an easy choice for her to choose UIW.’ Considering his journey at UIW, 在过去的十年里,他在金融交易和大宗商品领域取得了成功, Martin’s advice to students setting out on their own journey, was simple. “这适用于我的妹妹,校园里的所有学生,以及在UIW学习的每个人…….my advice is connect, connect, connect. Give yourself the tools to build lasting relationships. To learn to connect with faculty, staff and fellow students. That’s invaluable.’ He added ‘When you build these connections, 它拓宽了你的视野,培养了一种奇妙的多样性. We all think differently, 但是,除非你以一种有意义的方式与他人联系,否则很难看到他们的观点. Those are real leadership skills, 当你进入劳动力市场时,你必须依靠的技能类型。”


The Road to Redemption

07/24/2023 Sourced from UIW News

In 2004, 费尔南多·莫拉(Fernando Mora)从贝尔县监狱的牢房向外望去,他知道自己的生活需要改变. 这是他两年内第二次因重复犯罪面对法官, he was at risk of spending a significant amount of time behind bars.

En las manos de Dios (In the Hands of God)

07/13/2023 Sourced from UIW News

This is how Francisca Zarate, mother of four UIW graduates, 描述了她为孩子们安排的休息时间. 在春假和圣诞假期的几周里,我们充满了乐趣和爱, she knew the importance of teaching them to prioritize education, service and faith. 正是这些原则指引着萨拉特家族度过了多年的挑战, triumphs and most recently, 庆祝最后一个萨拉特孩子从道成肉身的大学毕业.  


Returning Home to Lead Cardinals

06/05/2023 Sourced from UIW News

教练想要回到母校领导下一代学生运动员的情况并不罕见. 在UIW,有8位主教练走过了舞台,赢得了“UIW校友”的荣誉.” Three of those coaches, Clint Killough (head football coach), Amanda Lopez(首席舞蹈教练)和Elyssa Barrientos(首席啦啦队教练), 在带领红雀队达到新高度的同时还在攻读第二学位.

Dreeben Students, Alumni Win Awards at Regional Conference

06/01/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Members of the UIW Dreeben School of Education attended the 22nd Annual Region 5 Texas National Association of Multicultural Education (TXNAME) Conference in Waco, Texas on Saturday, May 20. Dr. Sandra Guzman Foster, UIW’s director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, also attended the conference. NAME is a non-profit organization that advances and advocates for equity and social justice through multicultural education.

A Legacy of Learning

06/01/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Melissa and Frances Silva have much in common. The sisters share devoted parents, an upbringing they uniquely understand, doctoral degrees in healthcare, and most recently, 他们在同一天成为道成肉身之道大学的校友.


Earning the Hat

05/10/2023 Sourced from UIW News

She always wanted “the hat,——博士候选人在毕业和获得学位时穿的衣服. On Saturday, May 6, Jessica Parra finally achieved her dream. 威斯康星大学专业研究学院(SPS)的学生服务主任跨过了舞台,成为了博士. Jessica Parra,终于从uw的SPS项目中获得了工商管理博士学位.

UIW Students Celebrate Seventh Annual Ring Ceremony

05/03/2023 Sourced from UIW News

在春末一个美丽的周日下午,80多名红衣主教庆祝了第七届年度戒指仪式. 自2019冠状病毒病大流行以来,这一历史悠久的传统首次在道成肉身的圣堂举行, 向创立威斯康星大学的道成肉身的仁爱修女会致敬.


International Careers in the Americas Symposium

04/13/2023 Sourced from UIW News

When Dr. Rafael Hoyle, director of the Liza and Jack Lewis Center of the Americas, read the stories of UIW alumni Atzel Jonatan Peña, BBA '08, MBA '20 and Dr. Jonathan R. Everhart CPA, Esq., MCSI (MS ’11, DBA ’17), he thought about “the internationality of the UIW system and the remarkable intercultural competence of so many of our students and faculty.”

Shaping the Future of Global Finance

04/12/2023 Sourced from UIW News

In his role advising the U.S. Government, the World Bank and the United Nations, UIW alumnus Dr. Jonathan R. Everhart CPA, Esq., MCSI (MS ’11, DBA ’17), 已迅速成为全球金融创新和科技的领导者.

Building a Business

04/11/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Wonder what it takes to open a business? UIW alumnus Josh Rangel, ’13, founder, president and CEO of Rangel Renewables, will share his secrets for setting goals, creating a business plan of action, and setting a company up for success during a presentation at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, in the Mabee Library’s Watson Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.


Bold and Fearless

02/23/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Shantel Wilkins, 我最近和一群uw商学院的学生谈论了为他们的职业生涯做准备. She shared challenges she faced growing up with a single mother and how those helped her develop resiliency that she still displays to this day.

Sharing the Love: Cardinal Couples Celebrate Valentine's Day

02/17/2023 Sourced from UIW News

UIW is a home away from home for thousands of alumni and students, but for many, it’s also the place they found their life partners. During this Valentine’s Week, we caught up with Cardinal Couples of all ages and invited them to tell us more about the journey that lead them to the lives — and the loves — that God has prepared for them.

UIW Announces New Senior Director of Alumni Relations

02/10/2023 Sourced from UIW News

University of the Incarnate Word Vice President for External Affairs Rick Kimbrough has announced the hiring of William Bailey, ‘15 as the new Senior Director of Alumni Relations. Bailey will arrive at UIW in March.


02/09/2023 Sourced from UIW News

University of the Incarnate Word students and alumni are invited to participate in the third annual Hispanic Serving Institution Virtual Career Expo from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22. The career fair is open to all UIW undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, as well as all alumni.


UIW Celebrates Fall 2022 Commencement

12/16/2022 Sourced from UIW News

菠菜评级于周六上午庆祝了其2022年秋季毕业生, Dec. 10, at the Freeman Coliseum. 500多名毕业生在毕业典礼上走上讲台, with thousands of loved ones in attendance. Following the UIW core value of service, the Fall 2022 graduating class contributed 28,704 community service hours for an economic impact of $859,685.

Returning Home

12/05/2022 Sourced from UIW News

泽维尔·佩拉莱斯(Xzavier Perales)是8月份搬到威斯康星大学的新生之一, a new UIW Nursing student who was accompanied by his mom and dad, Roxanne and Eddie Perales, alumni of the University of the Incarnate Word. For the Perales family, UIW isn’t just an institution of learning. It’s their second home.

Thank you for seventeen years of service

12/02/2022 Sourced from UIW News

On Thursday, Dec. 8, Dean of Alumni Relations Dr. Lisa McNary将结束对UIW学生和校友超过17年的服务. The two-time alum assumed her role in 2005, and since then, 一直孜孜不倦地将校友与大学的使命联系起来.


Shaping the Future of Global Finance

10/20/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Providing advice for the U.S. Government, the World Bank and the United Nations, UIW Alumnus Dr. Jonathan R. Everhart CPA, Esq., MCSI (MS ’11, DBA ’17), 已迅速成为全球金融创新和科技的领导者.

UIW 2022 Homecoming

10/19/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Are you ready for UIW Homecoming? Bring family and friends and join your fellow alumni for food, drinks and fun while reminiscing about time spent at UIW!


UIW Graduate Named Clinical Teacher of the Year

09/30/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Micah Hunter admits it has taken a little while to get used to her new job as a first-year teacher of fourth graders at Woodlawn Academy in the San Antonio Independent School District, but it hasn’t take her long to reach new heights. Earlier this year, 德克萨斯州现场经验主任认可亨特为2021-2022年度德克萨斯州临床教师.



Giving Family Medicine a New Meaning

07/29/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Nadia (learner) and Scheel (faculty member) Nayar reflect on what it meant to them to be part of UIWSOM’s inaugural cohort together

UIWSOM Alumni Excel in First Year of Residency

07/14/2022 Sourced from UIW News

2021年5月,UIW骨科医学院庆祝了首届毕业班. Now, the first cohort has completed a year of residency and six program alumni have been named Resident of the Year by their respective programs.


Medio Creek and UIW Teaching Partnership

06/15/2022 Sourced from UIW News

The teaching partnership between the University of the Incarnate Word and Medio Creek Elementary School has never been stronger. The students from UIW’s teacher education program spend time shadowing established teachers at Medio Creek and learning from them just as their students do. Many of these teachers and administrators are UIW alumni.

Shine a Light

06/08/2022 Sourced from UIW News

For more than 25 years, 凯特·克罗斯比96年把她的洞察力和影响力借给了道成肉身的大学, helping positively impact programs, spearhead initiatives and otherwise support students, many just like her, to achieve their academic dreams.

Love for Incarnate Word, Passion for Research

06/06/2022 Sourced from UIW News

For Dr. 里卡多·卡里翁,1998年,决定进入道成肉身的大学是很容易的. In addition to his family’s bond with the Sisters, he loved the school’s Catholic identity and small class sizes, 还有那些鼓励他对生物学充满热情的老师们.

A Global Community

06/06/2022 Sourced from UIW News

6月21日下午,在多云的墨西哥城,一群九名学生穿过舞台, 2008, history was made. 威斯康星大学成为第一所在墨西哥校园授予大学学位的美国大学. For Atzel Jonatan Peña, BBA ’08, MBA ’20, 成为第一届毕业班的一员是他非常珍视的事情. 这个红衣主教的先驱团体被认为是为所有后来的阶级铺平道路的团体.



UIW to Celebrate Fourth Annual Day of Giving

03/18/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Each spring, the University of the Incarnate Word community comes together as “One Word” to work towards “One Goal” – raising funds to support current and future UIW students. UIW’s fourth annual Day of Giving, known as “One Word. One Goal.,” will be celebrated for 1881 minutes, in honor of the University’s founding year, during Incarnate Word Week beginning March 23.


UIW Theatre Honored with ATAC Globe Awards

12/03/2021 Sourced from UIW News

Faculty, staff, students and an alumnus of the UIW Theatre Department were recently honored with seven Globe Awards from the Alamo Theatre Arts Council (ATAC). The 30th Annual ATAC Globe Awards Gala honored local community and educational productions from the 2019 and 2020-2021 season in 25 categories.


Beechner ’10, ’15 selected to Forbes Next 1000 List

11/16/2021 Sourced from UIW News

金·比奇纳(Kim Beechner, 15岁)入选2021年福布斯1000人名单. Beechner is the founder and CEO of Embark Marketing, a Texas-based, 专门从事餐饮行业的数字营销机构. Beechner founded Embark Marketing in 2010.

St. Clair and Poole Co-published in Teaching Ethics

11/09/2021 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Norman St. Clair, professor and director of Graduate Studies, and Dr. Deborah Poole, alumna, 合著《菠菜评级排行》,” in Teaching Ethics at The Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum. The journal is dedicated to ethical issues across the curriculum with particular attention to pedagogical methodology and practice in both academic inquiry and professional practice.

UIW Celebrates Homecoming 2021

11/03/2021 Sourced from UIW News

UIW celebrated Homecoming 2021 from Oct. 28-31, marking its first in-person Homecoming since 2019. 校友和红衣主教家庭因食物、娱乐和威斯康星大学足球比赛的胜利而重新联系在一起.


UIW to Celebrate 2021 Homecoming from Oct. 28 - 31

10/22/2021 Sourced from UIW News

道成肉身的世界大学正准备庆祝10月11日的返校节. 28 - 31. 今年的华盛顿大学返校节庆祝活动将包括一年一度的“不给糖就给糖”活动的回归, Nest Fest Block Party, Homecoming Tailgate and Game and more!



09/28/2021 Sourced from UIW News

上个月,《菠菜评级》(San Antonio Business Journal)将两名威斯康星大学校友评为顶级高管. Kim Beechner ‘10, ’15 (right), and Dr. 1994年的基利·佩蒂(左)是该杂志选出的20位获奖者中的两位.

UIW Alum Receives Teaching Honor

09/23/2021 Sourced from UIW News

对叶塞尼亚·科瓦鲁比亚斯来说,微笑和泪水比言语来得容易. The first-year teacher at Walzem Elementary in the Northeast Independent School District was greeted with a surprise celebration on the morning of Wednesday, September 22, 2021 after being named the 2020-21 Texas Clinical Teacher of the Year. Covarrubias, 谁于2021年5月从圣道大学毕业, was celebrated in her classroom for the achievement.



UIW Set to Celebrate Black History Month

01/27/2020 Sourced from UIW News

From a distinguished alum to an open mic for future alums, the University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) is set to host several events during January and February in celebration of Black History Month.