TeleHealth takes Center-Stage at UIW as New Healthcare Norm


地板上的菠菜评级标志圣安东尼奥 – As a second-year student at the 道成肉身的大学’s 骨科医学院, TJ Counce is learning all there is to know about the “hands-on” approach to treating patients. 但是突然间,Counce, 和其他人一起, is getting a crash course in what it is like to treat a patient, 甚至是一个病人, 在远程医疗"不干涉"的世界里.

“作为一名医学生, I understand how useful it is for the provider to be able to gather a history and perform a physical exam in person,Counce说。. “You can’t listen to the abdomen or percuss someone’s chest over Zoom. 但我们都必须适应并尽我们所能做到最好.”

And right now, the “best we can” may be turning out to be much better than expected. 对于外行人来说, telehealth is exactly what it sounds like: a healthcare appointment delivered via a phone conversation or, 现在越来越多了, a teleconference where doctor and patient can actually 看到 each other. 这不是一个新概念, but in a time where social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic has made office visits infrequent at best, telehealth is more than a matter of convenience no matter it’s limitations.

“Medical providers are trained to use all of their senses to treat patients so the limited ability to touch, 看到, 这是一条独特的学习曲线,博士说。. uw临床健康服务部主任Ronda Gottlieb说. “We have had to become creative and teach our patients some assessment skills like how to palpate an abdomen, 如何评估耳朵的特定疼痛, 以及如何评估水肿. Telemedicine has been available for over 30 years so thankfully there are a lot of well written resources for it.”

Also over the course of the last 30 years, there has been a huge leap in teleconference technology. 今天, many patients and doctors have easy access to the kind of high-tech that allows high-quality video-conferencing. Add to that the fact that doctors can more regularly check on a patient’s progress using telehealth and do so in a way that, 通常, 需要更少的时间和金钱.

根据访问.com, a recent study found the average doctor’s visit costs a patient $43 just in lost time – that’s in addition to the patient’s actual medical bill. “Telehealth services are more cost-efficient for both patients and healthcare professionals,戈特利布补充道. ”,, telehealth can allow professionals to engage patients to check on their adherence to their treatment plan, and likewise allows patients to dial in with questions about medications, 任命, 以及他们的条件.” 

Confidence in telehealth is tempered by the fact that there is simply no replacement for a face-to-face meeting with a health professional for possibly serious conditions. There can also be technical glitches with remote care and there is the fact that state regulations and guidelines have not completely kept up with the speed at which telehealth communication and necessity is moving.

“One of the biggest challenges for physicians and other healthcare professionals considering telemedicine is understanding and then coming to terms with regulatory and industry barriers to its use,戈特利布说. “因为COVID-19大流行, Texas telemedicine laws and regulations have been greatly expanded. The Texas Medical Board has declared that telemedicine – including the use of telephone only – may be used to establish a physician-patient relationship during the statewide disaster declaration issued in March, 但在任何情况下都必须达到谨慎的标准. 除了, several changes to telemedicine visits have taken effect in response to COVID-19, including payment for services and which platforms can be used.”

仍然, there is no doubt that the current state of how health care is being accessed has changed and most believe that change is here to stay in some shape or form.

“绝对!戈特利布说. “UIW 卫生服务 has learned so much about telemedicine that we hope to add it as a continued service. Many of the health professions students do rotations out of town and telemedicine would greatly improve their access to services. Like any other change, there was some fear of the unknown. We have four physicians and five nurse practitioners in our clinic and over the past month we have all become very comfortable practicing in this environment.”

对于康瑟这样的医科学生, tele-health is evolving into just one more lesson to be learned as a doctor in training. A sign of the times that is likely to be the new normal in the years to come and a chance to turn bedside manner, 进入网页方式.

“I think the biggest take away is listen to your provider,Counce说。. “Don’t be afraid to use telehealth because it is still an interaction with a healthcare professional. There is a lot of data showing that folks are utilizing healthcare less during this time, which is good in the sense they do not need to unnecessarily expose themselves to COVID-19, but it is bad because serious or otherwise preventable illnesses are not being caught and treated. 我认为远程医疗是一个很好的选择, safe and useful bridge between these two extremes and offers people a viable option in these uncertain and extraordinary times.”